Hello! My name is Marna and I’m the artist and writer who creates Twelve Little Tales. I live in Colorado and am the mother to a 10 year old son and a 24 year old daughter. I have taught in Waldorf Schools for a number of years and am very passionate about working toward climate balance.
In light of this passion I’ve created a non-profit called One Times Everyone. One Times Everyone is about supporting those already working toward climate balance and supporting them TOGETHER. As I researched the climate crisis extensively and talked to many people about how they felt about it, some important things stood out. • That the problem is worse than most of us grasp • That most people don’t feel empowered to make great change • and That most of us have very little experience with collective action at all. One of the things that we will need as much as anything as we move into the future will be the ability to work together for the sake of everything we hold dear. We have learned a lot about this during this pandemic! Yes, our individual actions make a difference, but when we band together we can help determine policy, how businesses choose to do their work and, in this case support grassroots organizations in our communities to fulfill their dreams of making things better. And of course we cannot talk about climate justice without talking about racial justice as it really cannot be separated. The first and worst impacted by climate related issues are often and will continue to be people of color all around the world. |
kHow it works: Your donation will be pooled with all the others to give to one 501(c)(3) non profit organization working toward climate balance, in any number of ways, per month. Each organization is based in the U.S. but they can do their amazing work all over the world.
We are always looking for more non profits to donate to! We like to give to small organizations so personal referrals are very important. If you know of someone in your community who may fit please let us know! This can be those who work with farming/feeding people, soil, alternative energy, planting trees, teaching about sustainable action and so much more! Please email us at [email protected] with your ideas. Please visit onetimeseveryone.org to donate. Many people donate $2/month or a one time $24 donation -(or any amount that you wish to donate!) that will be split up over the duration of the fiscal year. We ask for such small donations because want everyone to be able to give along with everyone else and we want to show our children (and ourselves :) that when we each do something small, big change can happen. This is a first step in collectively acting toward climate balance. Thank you! |
Climate change will impact our children's future very possibly more than anything else and for them to understand how people all over are trying to help in so many different ways will help them form positive ideas around this daunting issue. One Times Everyone donates to a different, very small, non profit each month working in all sorts of interesting and wonderful ways in communities, mostly in the U.S. but all over the world.
Following One Times Everyone through the year can be a great activity for you and your children. You can talk and learn more about the work the people at each non profit are doing and look for places in your community doing something similar - and if you find places in your communities that do the same kind of work or other relevant work then please let me know so I can add them to our list! :)
So far One Times Everyone has given to people working with soil restoration, Black farmers, Indigenous climate rights, sustainable building, planting trees, women working in clean energy, clean transportation and more. Thank You! |
marna widom • [email protected]
© Twelve Little Tales 2014-2025. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.